This list is not exhaustive as there are many ways in which Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy can help, however these are some of the more common things that I see and treat. If you would like to discuss any particular problems you are experiencing, and how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy might be able to help, then please do contact me.

Anxiety can affect people in a variety of ways, both physically and mentally, and can be the underlying cause for many other issues. Anxiety has developed from our primitive past as a way of protecting ourselves. It is a state of being on ‘high alert’, where our adrenaline is flowing and we are ready for ‘fight
or flight’.
If you are struggling with anxiety, you are not alone! Many of my clients come to me seeking help with anxiety, and hypnotherapy can have huge benefits – I can help you to regain the control back and to overcome your anxiety.
Common symptoms of anxiety include;
Worrying a lot and feeling ‘scared’ of thing that don’t pose a real danger i.e. going out with friends, or making a phone call-
Feeling irritable
Feeling restless, or ‘on edge’
Rapid heart rate
Feeling sick, or having ‘butterflies’ in your tummy
Sweating more than usual
Shortness of breath
Muscle tension
Chest pain
Constantly checking things, for example locks, switches etc
Sleep disturbances
Anxiety can have a significant impact on someone’s social and work life. People may find it difficult to socialise, go to work, or even leave their homes. They may also avoid certain situations or activities because they are afraid of being anxious.
Hypnotherapy can help by reducing stress through relaxation and helping you to focus on the positive aspects of your life. This helps to keep you in your intellectual mind, where you can make positive, sustainable decisions and changes to your life for the better.
Fears and Phobias
Whether it's Spiders, flying, swimming, heights, or other less common fears – such as buttons or emetophobia, hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way of treating that fear. It works by helping the person to change the way they think and feel about that feared object or situation, and reducing their emotional arousal around it.

When you are afraid of something, your body goes into a state of fight or flight, which causes a number of physiological changes such as an increased heart rate, stomach churning, sweating, and muscle tension. Hypnotherapy can help to relax your body and reduce these physical reactions, which can make it easier to face the feared object or situation.
As well as this, someone in a state of hypnosis is more suggestible, which means that they are more likely to accept and act on the suggestions of the hypnotherapist. I use this suggestibility to help you to reframe your thoughts about the feared object or situation in a more positive way.
So whilst it’s not a quick fix, it can help you to change the way you think and feel about that object by reducing your emotional arousal. This helps you to face your fear in a more confident and controlled way, and thus allowing you to live a more fulfilled life.

Hypnotherapy has proven to be an effective way of helping a person suffering from sleep problems. It can help the person to fall asleep more easily and also to stay asleep during the night. The aim isn’t to make the client fall asleep during the hypnosis itself, but it works by changing negative thoughts or habits related to sleep, so that that person can sleep better generally.
Often there are underlying anxieties which is the reason why our primitive mind feels that it needs to be on ‘red alert’, and will not allow that person to sleep and relax.
Through positive goal setting as well as the hypnosis/relaxation, the person empties their stress bucket and sleep then falls into place. I also give all of my clients an MP3, which when listened to each night alongside the sessions, helps the progress along.